
Thursday, November 28, 2019

#FreelancerFriday #1 - Rebecca Faith, Editor

#FreelancerFriday #1 - Rebecca Faith, Editor #FreelancerFriday #1 - Rebecca Faith, Editor â€Å"In my experience successful authors are open to revision. It’s not easy to hear the eighty or ninety thousand words you’ve just poured your soul into are not up to par. But if you can leave a little bit of your ego behind and dive into the art, and find someone you trust to be there with you, I don’t think good authorship is beyond many people. It’s a form that invites participation for those who are willing to do the work.†Rebecca Faith is one of the members of Reedsy's advisory board, and also an outstanding editor.A quick anecdote that probably says more about Rebecca than any interview possibly could. The interview below is the first half-hour of our conversation. As I was thanking her, I mentioned that I didn’t want to take up any more of her time with questions about editing that would just be thinly-veiled attempts to find guidance with my own (pretty blocked) novel I’m working on. She pushed through my chronic shyness whe n it comes to talking about creative projects, and spent another half-hour, right there, listening patiently and dispensing insightful advice. Advice, by the way, that went way beyond any of the feedback I’d had from beta readers, best friends, anonymous message boards, and so on. It was neat to see someone almost spontaneously giving off editorial assistance. But you can meet her for yourself below.–REEDSYHow would you describe what an editor does for an author? It seem like the simple answer is â€Å"They edit,† but I wonder what you see that as consisting in. Some would see editing as just being fixing spelling mistakes.REBECCA FAITHSometimes it is. It really depends on the kind of editing we’re talking about. There’s a very nuts and bolts straightforwardness about proofreading and line editing. Those editors bring a level of professionalism and polish to written work, and you really can’t put a price tag on that. It’s very importa nt.But developmental editing or content editing has surged in prominence since self-publishing has become more popular. A good editor helps drawn an amateur into more professional ranks by offering a lot of insight about craft, character development, style, plot production, and so on. There’s a nice collaboration between good editors and authors that really teases out the creative process. The most succinct way that I could say this is a good editor helps an author inhabit their work more fully and helps them stretch beyond their perceived limits of skill.REEDSYI like that. You’ve identified the two very different parts of the editing process.REBECCA FAITHThere’s the technical side which is grammar, conventions, â€Å"How the hell do you use a semicolon?†; and there’s the subjective side: â€Å"Yes, you might have conceived your ideas and your characters in a particular way but I’m here to help you reach beyond the limits that you’ve imposed on your own imagination.† I don’t know that you can ever quantify that or articulate it without experiencing it first-hand, but that’s my best effort.REEDSYCould you talk about how talking to an author can be part of that process? It seems tricky to do a developmental edit working with the manuscript alone.REBECCA FAITHI think the face-to-face or phone-to-phone interaction is important. It’s more important for content editing or developmental editing because there’s a certain kind of idea exchange; where the characters or the content come alive. A good editor feels the reality of a book as strongly as the author does. If a particular passage feels awkward, or it’s not reading well, or there’s a continuity issue - meaning it’s not lining up with the rest of the book - a live chat gives us the opportunity to troubleshoot it. That’s very hard to do with just the page. I might say â€Å"This line of dialogue feels h ollow to me and I don’t now if you mean x, y, or z, but what’s being communicated to me is this.†The developmental work requires a live component, although I was resistant to that when I first started editing. It’s always quite nerve wracking to work with people and their art. It’s important to take the right tone and tack when you’re talking out things. Who am I say to say to an author â€Å"I don’t think your character would do this.† Thats a lot of ownership on my part. Face-to face work needs good editors who have a very cogent understanding of how to bring out an author’s best work while also pressing those limits that we talked about.REEDSYAre there limits on what an editor can do for an author?REBECCA FAITHAt some points I’ve had to say â€Å"Look the work is not good, the book is not good, and you should stop working on it. Let’s go back to some craft lessons, let’s talk about short stories, creative non-fiction, let’s learn how to write.† An editor can’t take an author who has no skills and no desire to revise, and make that person a better writer. So I suppose the limit of an editor is a closed mind. There’s not much you can do with someone whose work is atrocious but who doesn’t believe it, and who doesn’t trust in the curated opinion of an editor.An editor is like a chef. Good chefs have developed their palates: they’ve tasted everything, single ingredients, complex foods, they’ve honed their tongue like a fine-edged sword, and that sword can taste the difference between ‘tangy’ and 'sour.’ A good editor has honed their literary palate by reading everything: genres they love, genres they don’t; they’ve read craft books, they’ve read the Chicago manual, they read blogs about punctuation and they’ve developed a keen taste for what good writing is. Then, like a chef, they can transform that into any dish. A good chef can’t just cook one thing well, and a good editor can’t just edit one genre. Generally an editor is going to take that sophisticated palate and apply it across anything.The resistance is the diner who salts his food before he eats, who is not willing to taste and be led on a culinary journey. Authors who don’t want to open their eyes and their minds to their editor will never get better. The only limit of a truly excellent editor is an author who won’t release their mind to that help.REEDSYWhat’s the appeal of editing? I feel like most people told to sit in a room with unedited work would balk at that; do you like what you do?REBECCA FAITHI love what I do. I wanted to be an editor since other girls were dreaming of being ballerinas. I don’t think I had language for what I wanted to do; I just started hoarding red pens and hoping for the best. I love losing myself in line editing the same way others love losing themselves in doing the laundry. There are correct answers. There’s a certain comfort in that, it’s almost mathematical. Grammarians, people who truly love our language, can at once respect the rules of that language and acknowledge that language is a communicative tool; and so there’s also play within grammar. It’s not all cut and dry; there are moments where we break the rules.But my real pleasure as an editor is the developmental editing. Helping someone discover the work that lives in their soul is a privilege. Being in that space with an author who’s trying to give life to something that does not exist outside of their own mind is an incredible thing to witness, and I’m in awe every time.I’m working with a client now who came to me with a full completed draft. After the first three chapters I went to her and said â€Å"You know, this is really terrible. I think it’s not the story you want to tell; I th ink it’s just the story that occurred to you first.† We’ve been working together on a draft where you don’t even recognise where it came from. She’s working so hard and so well and so productively; she’s writing a book she won’t just be proud of but that people will love. Watching that happen, watching someone’s mind give life to things that are not there, that’s magic.So I suppose it takes a certain amount of creativity for someone to go into editing. You have to have a mind that sees potential where it’s hiding, but also a mind that makes space for someone else to roam around freely, and create. There’s a balance for good editors between offering structure, lending out my palate, and also sitting back and saying â€Å"What do you taste? What are you baking?† I’m a sous chef in the kitchen. It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy that behind the scenes work.REEDSYWhat makes a good developme ntal editor? It seems difficult to look at two people and tell who’s better. I’ve heard experience thrown around as a way of doing this.REBECCA FAITHI think experience is important. But there’s a balance between being the scaffolding, and then also the architect. A good developmental editor gives authors the structure they need to be free. If you’ve ever had to write an essay for a class, you’ll know writing for a prompt is much more directed than writing on 'a topic of your choice.’ That’s the death knell for a lot of people because it’s too much open space. A good developmental editor creates a structured place for an author to live in, creatively. They have no ego about their author’s work. As much as I invest in my authors work- and I feel the heartbeat of their characters and I care deeply about what happens to them - I have no desire to make that work my own. There’s a lack of covetousness with a good editor wherein you truly are working in service of another person’s artwork, and I think that’s a quality even experience can’t necessarily teach.REEDSYOnce you’ve engaged with a client and want to start an edit, what happens?REBECCA FAITHA lot of my clients have just an idea for a book. For those people we start with a one page synopsis, which is much much harder than you might imagine. For people who have a completed first draft I start reading and after 25 or 30 pages I edit and make margin notes. I send that work back to the author and then we talk. We talk about the work, we talk about the edits, about subjective and objective things; we do grammar lessons and we also talk about character motivation and how things are shaping up. Generally we’ll proceed along in that fashion until the end of the book. First drafts are generally extremely malleable and change very quickly. A lot of rewriting happens after a first draft so I’ll also guide write rs through rewriting, what’s interesting to me as a reader, questions they should be asking themselves about their characters, and we go through the work using it as a practicum for being a better writer and expanding the usefulness, utility and beauty of a manuscript.REEDSYSo what about when someone has just an idea?REBECCA FAITHThe line that I draw is that a substantive editing is based off a completed first draft, while in developmental editing we’re developing from an idea.In developmental editing, you come to me with an idea. We start by talking about it and I require a one-page synopsis. People spend months on a one-page synopsis. It makes plain where there’s not enough plot, which is often a problem - authors tend to have a pretty good handle on the beginning and end of a book, and the middle is a wasteland where forward momentum goes to die. The one page synopsis helps us hone in on conflict, character development, protagonists, antagonists; a lot can be accomplished within the confines of an 8.5" x 11" page. That usually requires a few hours of Skype conversation, a few drafts, a lot of brainstorming.From there we move into what I call chapter-snapshots. You get a short paragraph, maybe five or seven sentences, to articulate what happens in each chapter. Again, we’re trying to avoid the problem of authors getting off to a sprint when the race begins, then having an asthma attack laying down at the side of the road by chapter 12. That foundation-laying helps engage authors engage with and confront the problems of their work.After that we start writing. The snapshots are very productive, and usually make people feel pretty excited. The author has now done the work of creating some of that structure on their own, and it becomes much easier to then say â€Å"OK, I’m going to write chapter one† because you know where chapter one begins and ends/ Working within those structures I often find that people become much m ore creative. They might say â€Å"I started to write chapter one but it’s much more difficult than I expected because I had so many ideas while I was writing,† and then we revisit how those ideas integrate into the chapter snapshots and the synopsis.It’s very difficult to build on nothing, so once an author does the hard work of laying the foundation, the house goes up quicker than you might imagine.REEDSYSo there isn’t some place an author needs to be in before you can come in and help. You can be there at any stage of the project.REBECCA FAITHAnyone with even just the flame of desire to write a book can work with me. If someone comes to me and says â€Å"I want to write, but I don’t know what to write,† that’s OK. I start by asking that person what they like to read. I help them curate their own literary palate. I ask them what movies they like, what music they like; like, â€Å"What is your artistic profile?† Based on that I’ll make some recommendations about authors that are doing great work, and we’ll talk about books. We’ll talk about reading. I might give a couple of small writing assignments: free-write for me about someone in your office from the time they wake up to when they sit down at their desk.Writing is a thankless and difficult process. To anyone with the heart to do it I say bring it on. So many of us are limited in our ability to produce art. Not everybody has the skill or patience for an instrument, or we don’t have the balance and the grace for dance, and when we dip a paintbrush in paint we just end up with splatters on a canvas. But writing uses something that’s inborn. We all have this language. Because of the structure of writing, because of the structure of grammar and good story production, pages are just waiting to be filled. It does take some discipline, I’m not saying it’s easy - it’s the hardest work you can do in some ways, artistically. But it’s there if you have language. It’s a true laying bare of the soul, and anyone who’s willing to do that work is welcome to call me.REEDSYIf writing is a thankless and difficult process, is there a parallel for what you’d call the editing life?REBECCA FAITHEditing is not thankless! Editing is wonderful, in fact. I feel very close to my clients; by the end of our work many of them are friends. Editing is intimate process because, and this goes back to you asking about the qualities of a good editor, an editor mustn’t create shame; an editor has to actively quell embarrassment. The safe space that we create for our authors is a place where they can take risks and fall flat on their faces and not feel stupid about it. How many people have adult-to-adult conversations about sex, religion, ideology? These issues all come up in the course of creating three-dimensional characters. Authors and editors have to bring their whole his tories to the table and be comfortable with that. I’m very humbled by the collection of books I have at home where I’m mentioned in acknowledgements. I think editing is the long straw; I wouldn’t have it any other way. I find my work deeply gratifying.In my experience successful authors are open to revision. It’s not easy to hear the eighty or ninety thousand words you’ve just poured your soul into are not up to par. But if you can leave a little bit of your ego behind and dive into the art, and find someone you trust to be there with you, I don’t think good authorship is beyond many people. It’s a form that invites participation for those who are willing to do the work.REEDSYRevision is interesting, because it’s such an important part of writing, but it doesn’t apply to other uses of language; it would be insane to revise everything you say before you say it.REBECCA FAITHIt would, but think about the times you wish you could have taken it back! The thoughtfulness we can bring to writing is a double-edged sword; if you’ve ever read something overworked you know what I’m talking about. But putting work on a page is an opportunity for people to really lay bare a certain amount of soulfulness, look at it objectively and say â€Å"Who am I? What is this?† There’s so much value in that clarity. I think authorship is a process of self-discovery as much as it’s a process of discovering worlds that don’t exist yet.You invite an editor to accompany you and be a spirit guide. Editors who don’t take that privilege incredibly seriously should not be editors. It’s humbling to be entrusted with that privilege. I think people who want to write should write, and editors are out there who want to help.REEDSYWhen do you think the writing process ends? In traditional publishing it seems like it passes into the hands of the publisher. How would you talk about whe n a manuscript ends, for authors and for editors?REBECCA FAITHSome people say that work is never finished. I think that’s incorrect, and also very depressing.REEDSYLike, the idea that you don’t finish a novel, you put it away.REBECCA FAITHI think that’s just†¦ what an awful thing to say. I think work reaches a place where it’s take the form that we’ve imagined it to. We feel like the journey we’re talking about has ended. Our characters have completed their journey. The work has reached a level of polish that’s industry-standard and acceptable. There’s an objective level to that - is it free of errors, as error free as a work can be? We also have to look at our characters. Have they changed? Have they grown? Have they gotten from point A to point B? I think that’s our best view of what’s happening.REEDSYThanks Rebecca.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Strategic Retail Management Essays

Strategic Retail Management Essays Strategic Retail Management Paper Strategic Retail Management Paper People need a lot of things from their basic things to their luxuries and wants. They turn to the sellers of the merchandise that they need. These sellers may be small retail business owners or big ones such as a department store. Retailing is an important feature of the economy in distributing goods and services from the producers to the people who need them. Retailers usually purchase large amounts of goods from producers, manufacturers or from wholesalers. A quick glance at the supply chain from the production factories would reveal that retailers are at the bottom rung of the chain. Retail stores or shops are usually located where the people are. If people will have to travel long distances just to go to retailers, their business will not grow. Since retail shops are where people go to for their basic needs, they usually develop a connection with their favorite shops. Not a few develop loyalty to the shops they frequently go to. The Retail Environment There are different kinds of retail environments that people may go to. Traditionally sellers and buyers converge on markets. Markets, however, have been supplanted by the rise of malls and big supermarkets. Some retail environments may be in the form of stores where an attendant gets what the customer wants. There are also self-service shops where the customers just get what they want and then pay at the cashier. In stores and shops, however, what can be noted is that the traffic of people never stops. There is interaction most of the time. The retail environment is a place where the economic relationships of people can be highlighted. Yet, such relationships are not only economic, both buyers and sellers may also develop social connections through the retail environment (Berman Evans, 2006). Morale and Motivation at the Retail Environment The morale and motivation of the workers in a retail environment is very important to its operations. A motivated workforce will mean that they will also transfer that motivation to the customers that will visit the shop. In order to facilitate this, the workers at the retail shop should enjoy certain benefits and privileges. In this regard, the retail environment should have clear role perceptions, motivation from the manager or owner, and ability, which can be enhanced through training (Weitz, Sujan, and Sujan, 1986). If the management of the retail shop can ensure the motivation of its workers, this would redound to better customer service to the consumers. In a study conducted by Kim, Kang and Kim (2005), they discovered that there are several dimensions of retail shopping motivation from consumers, especially those who are older. They can either consume service, value and food or they can engage in shopping for diversion and leisurely appreciation of aesthetics. Through the model created by these researchers, they found out that people who are lonely and in need of social interaction tend to go to malls and retail shops. Through their experience at the retail shops, their loneliness can be lessened. In this regard, the workers of a shop can make buyers happier by helping them in value consumption and provide them good services (Kim, Kang Kim, 2005). Such kind of motivational spirit would work well if the workers themselves have motivation and if they have high morale. In times of sadness and loneliness, then the workers at the retail shop could also help people become more cheerful. Retailing Trends for Small Businesses One of the most interesting developments in retail management is in two areas, both of them involving technology deeply. Supply chain management is now increasingly integrated with computer applications that enable store owners to manage their inventories more effectively. The technology is also becoming more affordable so even small businesses can afford it. With the availability of online applications, retail management has become more technologically dependent (Krafft Mantrala, 2005). Another important development in retailing is the increasing popularity of the Internet as the place to shop. With credit cards and online payment schemes, more and more people, especially the busy ones, are depending on the Internet and their credit cards for their purchases. If it is any indication, the success of Ebay and other online shopping sites have also led to the emergence of a new kind of entrepreneurs and retailers who are using the Internet in marketing their products. Whatever their products are, they are now able to reach out to a wide segment of buyers not only in their immediate vicinity but also to the whole world (Krafft Mantrala, 2005). This internationalization of retail management has an important impact on the operations of businesses as well as in their business model. With the integration of the Internet as an effective marketing arm, it supplements the traditional marketing media being used by retailers. The internet also helps small retail businesses to get in touch with their customers more quickly and instantaneously. In doing so, they can easily get feedback from them and act on such feedback right away. As such, the marketing aspect of retailing, the interfacing with customers, and the gathering of feedback becomes easier because of the Internet and other online applications. With the internalization of retailing, however, businesses need to think more creatively about their strategy in reaching out to their target market. Another important thing to think about is how to motivate and raise the morale of the customers similar to what they experience when they go to retail centers or to malls. Obviously, retailers also need to take into account the value added needs of the customers that would contribute to a better experience to them when they are shopping online or on site. Apparel shopping on the Internet has been growing in the past few years yet there are hesitations on the part of shoppers to buy clothing over the Internet. This is because of the perceived risks in buying items there. For one, buyers do not get the same visual and texture sensation when they shop on a store. They cannot try on an item of clothing shown online. Given this limitations, retailing through commerce should appeal to other aspects of the buyer experience (Park Stoel, 2002). The Future of Retail Retail management will not be relegated to the dustbins of history. Although economic recession may facilitate the rise and fall of different means of product distribution and retail management but as long as people need goods and services, retailing will remain as a key feature of the country’s economy. Yet the future of the retail industry is worth looking at. Dawson (2000) identified six major challenges to retail management. These challenges have to be addressed in order for retailers to thrive in their industry. The first one is about the challenges of growing and â€Å"bigness†. Big supermarkets and retail chains are on the rise and these industry giants are undermining the small-time players. As such, small and medium businesses should think of creative ways to survive the intense competition. Secondly, brands are highly arbitrary, always in flux and subject to constant change. Choosing which brands to market and distribute may be a crucial issue for retailers. Another challenge would be the over-capacity of the space for retailing. This would refer to the need for careful management of space and buildings of retailers to ensure that both aesthetics and functionality are ensured. In addition to this, changes in the products and services being marketed tend to be abrupt and turbulent. Even the tastes and preferences of consumers can easily change. Retailers therefore should be quick to understand the dynamics of the market so they can prepare for difficulties and problems along the way. The past decade has seen the rise of outsourcing and offshoring in the discussion of business models, processes and services. The challenge that retailers need to address in this area is achieving the balance between internalization and outsourcing of functions. Outsourcing may be an option for businesses but if overdone, it could easily be a source of fragmentation in the business and the loss of trade secrets. Lastly, retailing through e-commerce is yet to prove itself as effective. In order to deal with these challenges, Dawson (2000) recommends several areas that retailers need to look at. One is making the retail firm relevant to the times and to the changing preferences of consumers. There should also be an effective assessment of the risks that the retail firm faces. Another important aspect is to remodel the organization, establish an effective means of gathering knowledge, which will help in development the corporate culture of the firm. Competition is definitely a big issue in retailing. As such, effective strategies should be devised to deal with globalization and competition from large scale companies such as Wal-Mart (Dawson, 2000). Conclusion Retailing will remain as a very important feature of the country’s economy. Actual retailing helps customers with their needs for various products and services. Retailing also gives consumers value added. Through the act of being at the retailer’s shop or store, the loneliness and sadness of certain people can be alleviated. This is not something that people can easily enjoy in huge shopping complexes and warehouses. In spite of big challenges in the retail industry, there are still those that manage to survive. There are also those, however, that cannot cope with the difficulties of the industry and are forced to close or to seek for ways to mitigate their losses. Wendy’s Hamburger has experienced losses in the last two years or so. Some of its stores are no longer visited by customers. Big franchises of the hamburger chain also closed down. Some of the most notable ones are those that are in Australia. Likewise, fifty Wendy’s locations were closed in the United States just recently. This trend could be attributed to intense competition from other hamburger retail chains most notably, McDonalds. More importantly, though, the chain was not able to create a brand name for itself similar to BigMac or Whopper (Wolf, 2007). Retailers can learn valuable lesson from this. Branding is very important in facing the intense and uncertain competition in the world of retailing. Retail management is a difficult business but if the trends in the market can be anticipated, then the right action can be done to make the business thrive.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Using international relations theories to explain why the Falkland Essay

Using international relations theories to explain why the Falkland Island war of 1982 was a lie to the people of Argentina - Essay Example s at home, the Argentinian leadership decided to invade Falkland Island which the British government had claimed ownership in 1833, thus leading to war. This paper will discuss the major causes of the war in relation to international relation theories. In addition, the paper will discuss why the war remained a lie for the face of Argentine population. The Argentines believed that the British stole their islands, and hence there was a need to claim back their land. This is what the citizens had been taught in school and saw Britons guarding the islands as enemies. This bred a sense of patriotism and the zeal to support the government in case of war as part of fulfilling their national duty (Grove, 2005). This cultural belief is supported by the constructivism theory of international relations which is behavior based. However, in reality, the Britons living 200 miles off their coast were by no means a threat to the Argentines. Their lives had been made worse by their own government which did not care much about their welfare. Argentina was in search for an opportunity to fulfill its mission with no success. However, while one of its local merchants got a contract to clear off scrap on South Georgia Island. The idea of protecting the islands came after the merchant was denied access to the scrap site by the UK Navy personnel manning the island. He was required to get a work permit from the United Kingdom’s Embassy at Buenos Aeries (Kiney, 1989). The army got a chance for access to the island in the pretext of protecting the scrap dealer and raised the flag on the island. In a span of eight days, the Argentina leader had ordered for a full military occupation on other islands. According to an agreement signed in 1771 between Britain and Spain, Britain had reserved rights to the Islands even though it had vacated the islands in 1774 (Kiney, 1989). After Spain’s withdrawal in 1811, the land remained without any occupation until 1816. Before the colonization of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Indian Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Indian Religion - Essay Example They comprise of two distinct parts, one is the Brahmanas or the knowledge, which deals with the direct realization of God and the Karma Kanda, which deals rituals and their performance. The Vedas are four in number Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda. No Hindu religious text can be based on anything other than the Vedas; hence, the Puranas or Epics are also based on the authority of the Vedas. In the epics, the Divine Incarnations of God are described. These Divine Incarnations also, followed the precepts of the Vedas implicitly, thereby setting an example to the common man. As such, the Vedas are unchangeable and eternal; nothing can be added to, reduced or changed in them. The Puranas serve to illustrate the injunctions laid down in the Vedas. The very same Brahma Vidyas of the Vedas, or direct methods to realize the Ultimate Reality, are to be found in the Puranas. However, the emphasis in Puranas, as they deal with Divine Incarnations, is on Faith or Bhakti. The Bra hmanas with their emphasis on Brahma Vidyas, are what comprises the Path of Knowledge to realize God. It must be emphasized that Sanatan Dharma has many paths or methods to realize God. It is a highly developed religion and has a very strong base in practical religion. Initially the emphasis was on the Path of Knowledge but over a period of time it was realized that such logical reasoning to arrive at the ultimate truth was not possible for everyone. The path of Bhakti or Faith was found to be uncomplicated and very easy.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Econometrics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Econometrics - Coursework Example The null hypothesis that students whose language is not English are not more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home is therefore proved false, against the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis that the students whose language is not English are more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home, is proved to be true. Minimizing the residual value of the sum of square will maximize the value of R2 so that the optimization problem does not provide a coefficient that is less than or greater than zero. The values of R2 increase in the sequence shown below: If there was only one variable for the regression model, it would be logical to use the variable with the greatest coefficient to maximize the power of the model. In this case, for all the models, we use noeng as the variable for maximizing the powers of the models. This is because noeng has the greatest coefficient in all the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Globalization And Nation State Essay

Globalization And Nation State Essay Since the beginning of the 1990s, globalization has become a high frequency word in our daily life. Actually, globalization is not a strange word since the sixteen-century and Europe as the original source of globalization. It has some simple international trade at that time. People realize the importance of multinational communication and trade; therefore make globalization become the main trend in todays world. In 21st century, globalization has become more and more common in the whole world, no matter people, organizations, or government, both can see the changes which globalization brings them. Globalization has deeply influence peoples life and working style, globalization make world integrity closely and makes peoples life become more and more convenient, it brings many benefits to people. Not only have deeply impact on peoples life, but also influence the nation-state more or less. It influences the nation-states sovereignty integrity, impact on their economic development and their national culture. Although it changes the nation-state original condition, it still brings them some positive influence. It helps nation-state develop better and better. Therefore, globalization both give them chances and challenges, restructuring politics, economic penetration and communication between multinational culture and national culture. In this essay, the purpose is to explain the relationship between the globalization and nation-state. Firstly, it will explain the academic definition of globalization and nation-state, and state the process of globalization and the characters of nation-state. Then, it will put forward the academic debate about the relationship between globalization and nation-state and explain it briefly. Thirdly, it will discuss the globalization influences the nation-state through political, economic and cultural aspects. Media globalization also brings benefits to nation-state because media is the key linking bridge which connects the nation-state with other countries. Lastly, it will make a conclusion and provide the opinion for this essay. Globalization and nation-state Globalization has become a major feature of contemporary social life. Globalization is penetration into different aspects like business, politics, economics, cultural identity, law, the environment and music. It almost exists in every corner of peoples life. Robertson gives the academic definition of globalization as follows: Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a wholeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole (1992:8). This definition refers to the increasing of interdependence in different countries, it means the world is unified and standardization, there is close relationship in each country through politics, economics and cultural areas. The more important of this definition is the intensification of global consciousness, it means globalization infuse people the conscious of integrity and unified in their mind, make people think there is one world, and the world is unified. Also this is the common idea that the world is becoming more and more uniform and standardization through the cultural and technological development from the West. After World War II, the high speed development of communications technology and transportation make people come into the new world. More and more people can travel anywhere they want, and make migrate to other countries more easily. Satellite broadcasts make people become globally audience; they can hear different kinds of information through different countries. The world is becoming a single place, people sharing the common understanding of living together in one place (Lechner, F.J.& Boli, J, 2000). Moreover, in some critical view of globalization, Pieterse, J.N.(1995) state that the globalization as a process of hybridization, and the globalization in the plural. Globalization can be described from four aspects, political, economical, international relations and cultural. In political, social arrangements for the application of power which control the territories, populations and others. In economics, globalization refers to internationalization of economic, and expands of the market. The appearance of some international institutions intended to supervise the process of globalization, these international institutions includes International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (wzeu.ask.com). It keeps the balance in the international trade. In international relations, the importance is the inc reasing consistency of the relations between nations and their global politics. In cultural aspect, it is focus on global communications and cultural homogenization, like the spread of the American culture and McDonalds culture, those culture both the symbol of the cultural globalization. As for nation-state, it can be defined as a certain form of state that derives its political legitimacy from serving as a sovereign entity for a nation as a sovereign territorial unit (en.wikipedia.org) The nations is refers a cultural and ethnic entity, and the state is for political and geopolitical entity. The nation-state combine those two characters then composing the nation-state. Also there are different numbers of ways of understanding the nation-state. One is to focus on the issue of sovereignty. In this perspective, it can be date back to 17th century Europe, to the emergence of concentrated monarchical power and to the development of a system of nation-states sovereign in relation to eac h other (Holton,R.J.) Also the nation-state has own characteristics, differ from pre-national states. Nation-state has strong idea that about their territory, they think the territory cannot be destroyed and non-transferable, it cannot easily exchange to other nations. The crucial character of nation-state is they use ethic entity as the nation policy through the economics, cultural and social life activities. Nation-state promote the economic unity, they abolish the doll and internal customs. They focus on infrastructure the transportation and they also concentrate on construct the motorway network, both of these policies is for better trade and travelling between nations. Compared with non-national predecessors, the most obvious impact of nation-state is the creation of uniform of a nation cultural through nations policy. The model of nation-state is that the residents is constitutes a nation, integrity together by common descent, a common language and many shard cultures. If the nation loses this unity, it tends to create it. It promotes the national language unity through the language policy (baike.baidu.com). Therefore, nation-state has their particular characters which others cannot easily destroy. Debate between nation-state and globalization With the world become globally, the relationship between nation-state and globalization has raised the many scholars attention. It may use other way to explain this issue which does globalization destroyed the nation-state? Many scholars provide their opinion towards this hot issue. According to Ohmae,K.(2000) opinion, he think the globalization has deeply weaken the nation-state through political, economic and international trade aspects. Ohmae,K.(2000) think the nation-state sovereignty is deeply threatened by globalization, nation-state begun to lose their dominance. Also author think the nation-state is lose their control in economics because of the penetration of globalization. The nations cannot protect their currency and capital market, it become more and more vulnerable. Also from the daily goods and services now produced in todays world, Ohame, K. think the nation-state has already lose their national label. Other scholars also indicate the challenges towards the nation-stat e when facing the globalization. Mann,M(1997) put forward their opinion towards this issue, he analyst four threats to nation-state which is global capitalism, the dangerous of environment change, post-nuclear geopolitics and identity politics. All four factors influence the nation-state in different regions. Capitalist transformation is mildly weakening the north of the nation-state, with the development of industrialization, environment pollution also threat the whole world, the problems of environment is hard to solve by nation-state alone; post-nuclearism weakening state sovereignty. For this argument, some other people state opposite opinion, Thus, Mann(1993a, 1997) indicate that the rise of the nation-state does not influence by globalization; Hirst and Thompson (1996) state that the nation-state still remain the strong status. Different people have divergent opinion toward this question. As for personal view, I agree the moderate view, it can combine different scholars opinio ns because everything both has positive and negative sides. It is no doubt that the globalization plays the dominant role in nation-state, it brings them huge change, but it can act these change as both chance and challenges. Globalization has impact on nation-state in political, economical and socio-cultural areas in positive and negative sides. The impact of the globalization on nation-state Globalization is changing the world step by step, it also has profound influence on nation-state, it changing and threatening the nation-state through three aspects like political, economical and socio-cultural. It is both chances and challenges to nation-state. In nation-state, their main thing is to protect the sovereignty and territory integrity. It cannot be easily destroyed. However, the world in nowadays is the Economic Globalizaiton (Holton,R.J.), the economic integrity connect todays world, it also threaten the nation-states sovereignty, supranational institutions deeply influence the national political activities, like the appearance of United Nations, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and WTO (Held,D,1991), both of these economic regulatory bodies control and monitor the nation-state political structure. The strengthen power of the international institutions make nation-state sovereignty more and more vulnerable. Multinational companies not only manipulate the pro cess of economic globalization, but also influence the internal polity in nation-state. The flow of global capital and the multinational companies activities need to burst the territory and sovereigntys restriction in order to better develop themselves. Moreover, the nation-state traditional function is threaten and restricted by globalization. Due to the development of global market, nation-state has to cooperate with transnational organizations because they have no other ways to protest the economic globalization. Some national taxes issues, the regulation of financial rules and the investment strategy cannot decide by nation-state alone. All of these issues make nation-state more and more weakening and threatened by globalization. In economics, the global economy is characterized by massive flows of money and capital across political boundaries. Integrated global finance markets shift billions of dollars around the world daily in a manner (Holton,R.J.). These changes have profoun d effect on nation-states foreign exchange, tax revenues, interest rate, the stability of currency, the employment level and the stock markets. Also the multinational companies improved by developed information technology and communications. These huge changes is undoubtedly challenge the nation-state develop. As I discussed above, those international institutions not only influence the nation-state sovereignty, but also control the national economic activities more or less. These international institutions like WTO, World Bank regulate the nation-state economy and then it will make their national foreign exchange and interest rate fluctuated; due to the increasingly multinational companies, they come into the national market and doing the international trade between other countries, the flow of capital and money impair their internal economy in some degrees. In addition, globalization makes people can migrant to other countries, this change influence the nation-state local labor ma rket, it may increase their unemployment rate because the flow of the labor market make the local market cannot keep balance. In market, when people look closely at the products and services, they can find most of them are not made by themselves. Thats the result of economic globalization, international trade makes nation-state lose their market share and influence their government income and GDP. In socio-cultural area, there are different views about the relationship between global culture and national culture. Global culture is the main part of globalization, like globalization, with the evolution of information technology and communication, predict the developing trend of global culture. Herbert Schiller(1976) advance that the global culture is a kind of cultural homogenization, also seen the global culture as the Americanization cultural imperialism. However, cultural globalization does not mean the Americanization or absolute homogenization (studa.net). In the process of cultu ral globally, there is connection between homogenization and heterogenization, like different nation-state have different consciousness towards the ecological culture and environment culture. Therefore, this kind of consciousness is the cultural heterogenization. For instance, you can buy KFC fast food in Beijing, you can listen the Madonna tape, but it does not mean you will give up the traditional culture of the nation-state. Americanization is a kind of diversification in cultural homogenization, America culture is the combination of different countries culture factors because America culture is a kind of immigrant culture (studa.net). Therefore, people cannot say that global culture is Americanization homogenization. In nation-state, there is a clash between the foreign culture and national culture. With expand of internet technology and communications, it creates the clash to nation-state, also bring the challenges. Firstly, it will generate the cultural war, this war is betwee n the English language country and non-English language country, in internet, people always can see lot of English language articles appearing in the national website. Therefore, some nations think it is necessary to protect their language culture. Then, the internet communication technologies originally come from USA, lot of multinational media companies dig other countries cultural resources and then act these as the commodity to sell. It means culture is becoming a kind of consumer goods, not the culture itself; it will create negative influence towards the nation-state traditional culture. Moreover, entertainment culture is the main feature of contemporary globalization (Hafez,K. 2007). Due to the media globalization and the evolution of communication technologies, entertainment culture has become the common and popular circumstances in this world. Film and Programme imports are the crucial part in every country. In nation-state, in their TV programme, it has lots of internation al programmes, people can get the information and learn the different countrys culture, however, if there are too many foreign programmes, it will influence the local peoples mind especially for younger people. It will make younger people ignore their national culture. Therefore, media globalization is also the key feature of the cultural globalization. Due to the evolution of communication technologies and the media globalization, it can spread the culture through these platforms to other countries. It make the culture become globally and increase the communications between different countries. Overall, globalization has profound influence on nation-state in political, economical and cultural fields. These three aspects both threatened the nation-state, it weaken their sovereignty and make their economic activities unstable and easy to undermine their national culture due to the cultural globalization. Nevertheless, not only economic globalization brings the challenges to nation-st ate, but also have some positive changes in nation-state through these influential factors. Globalization bring more chances to nation-state, nation-state still play the crucial role in todays world, it cannot easily destroyed or undermine by economic globalization. Positive effect on nation-state in globalization world Nation-state still has profound functions in todays global world, territory still the symbol of distinguishing nations, globalization creates many new political groups, but the nation-state still the most important political group in todays world. Globalization does not destroy the territory and sovereignty totally, only influence it. Although many international institutions existing in nation-state, the nation identity still play the dominant role in nation-state and they are decide the national rules and policies (news.xinhuanet.com). Economic globalization brings many chances to nation-state although it threatens in some ways. In national market, multinational companies give nation-state more benefits due to the international trade, it also enhance their national companys competitive advantages. It can bring more chance to trade with other international organizations. Then, more and more multinational companies, it can reduce their unemployment rate though it has many foreign labo rs. It can create more job vacancies to the nation-state labor market. Cultural unified is the main part as for nation-state, however, cultural globalization cannot guarantee the nation-state cultural unity. In one hand, cultural globalization threaten the national culture development, on the other hand, national cultural also integrate into the global culture. National still keep own cultural characters even better developed. Cultural communication is important to nation-state because they also need to improve their cultural weakness, nation-state can learn and absorb multinational culture to enhance their culture. Also other countries people can absorb and learn the nation-states cultural through cultural communication. It is a good way to promote their nations culture advantages, make more and more people know their nations. Overall, the evolution of globalization not only threatens the nation-state in some ways, there are more benefits which they can gain through globalization. Chances are more than challenges, nation-state has their policy to protect their country, it cannot easily be destroyed. Nation-state just needs to adapt to this economic globalization world in order to better develop their nations because globalization is the whole world phenomena it cannot reverse it. Conclusion In conclusion, from what I discussed above, economic globalization is the main trend in todays world, the world is become unity and closely. It has a long history since the appearance of early globalization, therefore, globalization is not a strange word in nowadays. The world is changing rapidly since the globalization become more and more dominant; it can be feel through the economical, political and socio-cultural aspects. These changes make people feel the world is a united world, people living in a common planet. Also as for nation-state, they have own nation characters and own living habits, culture habit and economic activities, nation-state is focus on their sovereignty, they try their best to protect their territory and sovereignty. However, the economic globalization cannot make nation-state feel safety forever. There is a drastic debate about the relationship between globalization and nation-state, some scholars indicate the globalization is demise the nation-state and thr eatened their sovereignty, the nation-state will be disappear after several decades. It still have other people state the globalization have profound influence on nation-state but not destroy it. As far as I know, I prefer the latter view, globalization plays the dominant role in todays world, however, it does not undermine the nation-state. It is the fact that the economic globalization brings both challenges and chances to nation-state, not only threat the nation-state, it still create some benefits for nation-state. It can be seen from political, economical and cultural areas. Although the appearance of international institutions like World Bank, IMF etc make nation-state feel the challenges towards their sovereignty and territory, it still have positive effect on nation-state. Due to the existing of these institutions and many multinational companies come into nation-state, it makes national economic activities become confusion, in some degrees, nation-state loses their power an d threats their local industry. Nevertheless, it also give nation-state more chance to develop them, multinational companies enhance and improve the international trade, make nation-state have more opportunities to develop their economics, also decrease their unemployment rate. In cultural aspects, nation-state also takes lot effort to maintain their cultural unity, however, cultural globalization make cultural integrate and spread to all over the world, it also shock the nation-state national culture. Moreover, due to the development of media technologies and internet widespread, every nations can see more and more TV programmes in television or through different broadcasting. Nation-state have more chances to widen their eyesight to absorb other countries culture and then it can improve their culture weakness. Overall, not only globalization threats the nation-state in some ways, but also give them more opportunities to develop and improve. It can be seen as opportunities more tha n challenges. Therefore, nation-state cannot undermine by globalization, it just change it in some areas. There is a close relationship between nation-state and globalization, they depend on each other.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays - MS Will Not Kill My Dream :: College Admissions Essays

MS Will Not Kill My Dream My story with MS began on December 4, 1999. I arrived at school as usual that cold winter morning feeling pretty good, a little tired, but other wise ok. Upon parking my car and opening the door to get out my right arm went to "sleep." I was totally blown away by it. How bizarre I thought to myself and just sat there a moment trying to figure out what possibly could be wrong with my arm. The next two days brought no relief and if anything it seemed to be getting more intense. My WHOLE arm was asleep and I just couldn't understand it. I visited a chiropractor a couple of days later and she said I was dehyrdrated and that my nervous system was under attack. Little did I know! I became increasingly concerned as the days passed and just couldn't buy what everyone was telling me, that I had a pinched nerve. I just knew it was something more and it was! I found a doctor about two weeks later and by that time my right hand was barely useable and the right side of my face, head and chest had also gone numb. I was scared to death! This doctor was wonderful and immediatly ran tests, sent me to a specialist, (neurologist) and spent hours with me examining me and trying to figure out just what could be wrong with me! MS never crossed my mind. A nurse of over ten years I have taken care of only ONE MS patient, a lady in her 90's! MS just didnt occur to me. After several visits to the neurologist, MRI, spinal tap and a slew of blood work I was told that MS was VERY likely the culprit. I was, to say the least, devastated by this news. I cried and cried and greived over this. It was with great fortune that a lady I worked with became extremly helpful to me during this time and prayed for me, listened to me and on more than one occasion, let me cry on her shoulder. On March 4, 2000 I visited a MS specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon N.H. and he made it official that it was MS and immediatly started me on Avonex. At this point I had researched the disease endlessly, somewhat come to terms with this awful fate and began to think more positively.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence Rhetorical Analysis Christian Johnson / P6 PART I The Declaration of Independence is considered by many to be the finest piece of political prose ever written. It can be seen as a document in five parts:   the introduction, the preamble, the denunciation of George III, the denunciation of the British people, and the conclusion. We are going to closely examine the first three as a way to understand how Jefferson's rhetorical strategies serves the political aims of the young colonies. The introduction consists of the first paragraph, which is a single long sentence (periodic sentence for those who will do well in May). Read the first paragraph and come up with two reasons why Jefferson would frame the introduction in the way he did. Reason ISeen within its original context, however, it is a model of subtlety, nuance, and implication that works on several levels of meaning and allusion to orient readers toward a favorable view of America and to prepare them for the rest of the Declaration. Textual SupportFrom its opening phrase, which sets the American Revolution within the whole â€Å"course of human events,† to its assertion that â€Å"the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God† entitle America to a â€Å"separate and equal station among the powers of the earth,† to its quest for sanction from â€Å"the opinions of mankind,† the introduction elevates the quarrel with England from a petty political dispute to a major event in the grand sweep of history. It dignifies the Revolution as a contest of principle and implies that the American cause has a special claim to moral legitimacy–all without mentioning England or America by name. Reason IILabeling the Americans â€Å"one people† and the British â€Å"another† was also laden with implication and performed several important strategic functions within the Declaration. First, because two alien peoples cannot be made one, it reinforced the notion that breaking the â€Å"political bands† with England was a necessary step in the course of human events. America and England were already separated by the more basic fact that they had become two different peoples. The gulf between them was much more than political; it was intellectual, social, moral, cultural and, according to the principles of nature, could no more be repaired, as Thomas Paine said, than one could â€Å"restore to us the time that is past† or â€Å"give to prostitution its former innocence. † To try to perpetuate a purely political connection would be â€Å"forced and unnatural,† â€Å"repugnant to reason, to the universal order of things. â€Å" If you had to argue that the most important word in the first paragraph is necessary, how would you make that case? To say an act was necessary during the 18th century implied that it was impelled by fate or determined by the operation of inextricable natural laws and was beyond the control of human agents. Characterizing the Revolution as necessary suggested that it resulted from constraints that operated with law like force throughout the material universe and within the sphere of human action. The Revolution was not merely preferable, defensible, or justifiable. It was as inescapable, as inevitable, as unavoidable within the course of human events as the motions of the tides or the changing of the seasons within the course of natural events Take a look at the second paragraph[1] in which Jefferson sets forth a series of propositions (five in all) that have been called the clearest, most direct statements of political philosophy in the history of writing. Identify the five basic propositions that constitute Jefferson's philosophy of government. Proposition I:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All men are created equal. Proposition II:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights Proposition III:  Ã‚   Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Proposition IV:  Ã‚  Ã‚   To secure these rights governments are instituted among men Proposition V:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it. Now take a look at the predicate of each one of Jefferson's propositions and compare it to the subject of the following proposition. What has Jefferson done here? Chart out how the follow if ideas throughout this paragraph is controlled by the subjects and predicates (use a T-chart). Subject |Predicate | |they |all men, from proposition one | |these |man's unalienable rights, from proposition two | |these |man's unalienable rights, from propositions two and three | |these |securing man's unalienable rights, from propositions two, three and | | |four | PART II 1. Read the second paragraph and note how the rhythm (a rise and fall of the voice produced by the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in language) of the sentence is constructed to highlight certain concepts. List the words that rhythm highlights and analyze the effect on the paragraph caused by the pattern of stressed words. 2. The Declaration of Independence can be reduced to a relatively syllogism: |Major  premise: |[p|When government deliberately seeks to reduce the people under absolute despotism, the people have a right, indeed a| | |ic|duty, to alter or abolish that form of government and to create new guards for their future security. | |] | | |Minor  premise: |   |The government of Great Britain has deliberately sought to reduce the American people under absolute despotism. | |Conclusion: |   |Therefore the American people have a right, indeed a duty, to abolish their present form of government and to | | | |create new guards for their future security. | The key premise is the minor premise, which explains why Jefferson spends two-thirds of his time establishing the validity of it. Take a look at the sentence(s) that introduce(s) the section that attacks King George III. The history of the present Kind of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these states. † Why would Jefferson repeat the word history twice in this sentence? What are a couple of ways that this repetition is effective? ———————– [1] The preamble is presented as a logical demonstration, with one proposition leading to another proposition. From the first proposition (that all men are created equal), a chain of logic is produced that leads to the right and responsibility of revolution when a government becomes destructive of the people's rights.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Skin Cancer Essays

Skin Cancer Essays Skin Cancer Essay Skin Cancer Essay Skin cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the cells of the skin.   The cancerous growth tends to spreads to the other parts of the body.   Usually skin cancers develop due to exposure to high amounts of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.   The lesion can take various forms including ulcers; red, black, blue or brown lesions; swellings; cystic lesions; areas of degenerated tissues; crusts; scales; etc. What causes Skin Cancer? There may be a number of etiological factors for skin cancer.   However, the most common seems to be constant exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun.   Individuals who constantly develop sunburns are at a greater risk of developing skin cancers.   Other risk factors for the development of skin cancers include excessive scars present on the skin (which can undergo malignant transformation), infection with the human papilloma virus, exposure to carcinogen, exposure to other forms of radiation such as infrared, X-rays, or nuclear explosions, certain individuals with genetic disorders (in which the genetic material is defected and cannot repair normal damage suffered to the skin), presence of a large number of melanocytic nevi (moles) on the skin, white skinned individuals, previous history of skin cancers, genetic susceptibility to develop skin cancers, certain skin disorders, etc.   Both genetic factors coupled with the environmental factors play a very important role in the development of skin cancer. Who gets skin cancer? Many individuals are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer compared to others. Some or the individuals at a risk of developing skin cancer include:-  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fair-skinned individuals (compared to dark)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals having a previous history of skin cancers  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals having a family history of the disorder (up to 10 % of all cases have such a history)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Europeans are at a greater risk compared to Africans and Asians  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals suffering from certain immune disorders (such as HIV/AIDS) or receiving certain drugs (such as immunosuppressant)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals suffering from pre-existing skin disorders (such as actinic keratosis, xeroderma pigmentosum, senile keratosis, lupus vulgaris, burns, warts, scars eczema, and Bowen’s disease)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals having a high number of melanocytic nevi (moles) present on the surface of the skin.   Moles likely to be traumatized are at a higher risk of undergoing malignant transformation  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals affected with certain pre-malignant skin disorders (such as carcinoma in situ)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals whose occupation requires them to work excessively in outdoors.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individual who stay closer to the equator  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Older individuals (there is a general increase in the cancer occurrence with an increase in the age)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals with light-colored hair  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Individuals exposed excessively to X-rays, infrared rays and other forms of radiation (such as nuclear explosions)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Individuals exposed to noxious chemicals such as arsenic, tars, oils and solvents Different types of skin cancer (Basal Carcinoma, Squamous Carcinoma, Malignant Melanoma) MUST INCLUDE THESE 3 TYPES Skin cancers are of three types, namely basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.   Basal cell carcinoma is a slow-spreading cancer of the skin that develops in areas exposed to sunlight.   It arises from the basal cells of the epidermis.   The condition arises from exposed portions of the skin, and is by far the most common type of skin cancer.   It is also known as ‘rodent ulcer’.   Squamous cell carcinoma develops from flat cells present in the outer layer of the skin, usually due to long-term exposure from ultraviolet light and also exposure to infrared and X-rays (excessively).   Malignant melanoma is a skin cancer that develops from the cells that produce the pigment melanin (melanocytes).   It occurs less frequently compared to basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, but is by far the most dangerous of all conditions (as it tends to spread rapidly to the surrounding structures, regional lymph nodes and the distan t structures of the body.   It more frequently occurs in fair-individuals compared to dark.   Every ten year, the incidences of malignant melanoma are doubling primarily because of the increase in the ultraviolet ray emission from the sun.   The incidence rates of squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma is about 1, 000, 000, and about 1000 individuals die from the condition each year in the US.   On the other hand, about 60, 000 new cases of malignant melanoma occur every year in the US, with about 8, 000 fatal outcomes. The problems with skin canceretc Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common skin cancer after basal cell carcinoma.   The tumor tends to spread to other parts of the body.   The tumor appears as a scaly, crusted, growing swelling, or a non healing ulcer.   It usually appears red in color and the borders appear rolled-out or indurated, suggesting the spreading nature of the tumor.   The base of the lesion contains granulation tissue.   It usually develops on the portions of the skin that are usually exposed to the sunlight such as the scalp, face, lips, nose, neck, upper limbs ears.   Rarely, it can develop in other portions of the body such as the oral cavity, genitals, etc.   The tumor tends to spread to the surrounding tissues and destroys them (locally invasive).   More than 2, 500 individuals in the US die from squamous cell carcinoma every year.   The tumor does not cause any pain or tenderness during the early stages of the disorder.   The regional lymph nodes may be enlarged.   Th e diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma is confirmed through a biopsy of the lesion.   The treatment varies depending on the size of the tumor, spread to various parts of the body, involvement of the lymph nodes and individual factors.   The entire tumor, along with a margin of the healthy tissue and the involved lymph nodes are removed through surgery.   Radiotherapy is recommended for superficial tumors and to reduce the chances of recurrence in those that cannot be completely removed through surgery (American Academy of Dermatology, 2006). The incidences of basal cell carcinoma are increasing each year by about 10 % due to increasing levels of ultraviolet rays.   Most of the tumors occur on the head, face and the neck region, whereas less often it occurs on the upper limbs, intra-orally and the genitals.   In women, the condition frequently occurs on the breasts.   During the initial stages of the disease, the tumor appears translucent and pearly.   The rodent ulcer variety is characterized by rolled out borders with an ulcer that does not heal.   The tumor tends to spread very slowly, and invaded the local tissues. As it grows, the tumor tends to furrow in and degenerate the tissues.   The individual may not develop pain, but a slight itch may be present.   The regional lymph nodes are usually not involved.   The tumor may also be nodular, cystic, pigmented, or morphoeic.   The morphoeic variety is an aggressive version of the tumor that has irregular borders and spreads to other parts of the body ve ry quickly.   The metastasis rates of basal cell carcinoma are as low as 0.0028% to 0.55%.   The diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma is confirmed with the help of a biopsy.   Superficial lesions can be treated with radiotherapy, whereas surgery can result in higher success and five-year survival rates.   Several other techniques such as cryotherapy, Laser surgery, Grafting, curettage, local chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy may also help in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma.   The outcome of basal cell carcinoma is much better than squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma (C S M Wong. 2003). Malignant melanoma usually arises from normal skin (exposed to sunlight) or from moles.   The lesion appears blue or bluish black.   In a mole, the color changes and/or the size increases suggesting malignant transformation.   The tumor can be present as a skin lesion, an ulcer, swelling, etc.   The borders of the tumor appear irregular and it has a light halo surrounding it.   The regional lymph nodes may be involved.   Pain is usually present, but sometimes an itch develops.   Frequently, the ABCDE criteria (Asymmetry, irregular Borders, Color appears different, Diameter below or above 6 mm, and Elevation) is utilized to assess the tumor.   Melanomas can be classified into 4 types, including the superficial spreading type (flat, brown to black in color, frequent), nodular melanoma (blackish-blue or bluish-red raised lesion), Lentigo maligna melanoma (large, flat lesion), and Acral lentiginous melanoma (common in Blacks, Chinese and Japanese, and present in the hands and feet).   Very rarely are systemic features (such as low-grade fever, anemia, weight loss, breathing difficulties, malaise, loss of appetite, etc) present.   The tumor tends to invade the deeper tissues, spreads to the lymph nodes, and also to distant parts of the body resulting in distant metastasis.   The diagnosis of malignant melanoma is made using excisional biopsy.   Frequently, a biopsy of the regional lymph nodes and other tissues of the body may be required to detect involvement.   The treatment of melanoma varies depending dimensions of the tumor, involvement of lymph nodes, neighboring structures and distant structures, and the individual factors (such as age, medical condition, etc).   Small tumors are usually treated by excision of the lesion and a huge potion of the surrounding tissues.   Several other treatment modalities such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, etc, may also be needed (NCI. 2003).

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Masters Thesis

Masters Thesis Before writing a thesis/dissertation you will have to trash over a great number of materials for your research. You should start your work with a thinking stage during which you take your time to debate different ideas for your future research project in your mind. Educational institutions throughout the world are generally using words ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ interchangeably. However, an educational tradition in some countries has firmly fixed the use of these terms. For instance, colleges and universities within the US use the term ‘thesis’ to denote a final project done at bachelor’s and/or master’s level, while the term ‘dissertation’ is used to signify a Ph.D.  level research project. Master’s Thesis: General Tips Writing a master’s thesis and its subsequent defense at viva voce is a mandatory requirement for obtaining master’s degree at the majority of degree awarding institutions. By completing your master’s thesis you are required to gain mastery in the chosen subfield and demonstrate your knowledge and competence in it. Working on a project of such scale is by no means an easy task. Many researchers agree that writing a masters’ thesis is more difficult than PhD because a student attempts to become an expert in a field which she or he hasn’t dealt with previously. They argue that work on a PhD is normally done by a researcher who already possesses expert-level knowledge in the field, is aware of the most recent research and is actively involved in the research process within this field. The main purpose of PhD-level writing is making a unique contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Master’s thesis doesn’t demand unique research; howe ver, its successful completion will require its author to demonstrate mastery within a given topic.   While working on a thesis one will need to cover a considerable number of resources (books, journals, periodicals, sites, databases etc), analyze them carefully, pick out the ones that are most relevant to the topic, and write, write, write. A WINNING THESIS PAPER Writing a master’s thesis might seem a daunting task because of the scale of work and the amount of research that has to be done. When you take another look at it and try to break the writing process into smaller assignments, it won’t appear intimidating anymore. To better organize the process and facilitate a  better understanding of the goals and tasks of master thesis writing, let’s take a closer look at the steps one has to take while working on the project. Masters Thesis: Selecting a Topic Selecting a topic for your master’s thesis lays the foundation of the entire project. The choice of the topic for their masters’ theses is generally left to students. As a result, topic selection becomes the first challenge in the course of writing. It is always a difficult task to achieve because students are new to the topic, have little knowledge on the subject and can easily make a mistake. Choosing a topic that is too general, for example, is one of the common mistakes. Another pitfall is selecting a topic that has not yet been researched. Despite all these academic traps, the general recommendation remains invariable: students need to choose topics they feel most interested in. As it has been previously said, writing a master’s thesis is a lengthy and a difficult process, and only your interest in the topic, as well as your academic curiosity and enthusiasm, will give you the energy to complete the project. Masters Thesis: Finding an Advisor Once the topic is chosen and before the actual writing, students are required to find a research advisor who would direct the writing process and work together with the student to strengthen the paper. Many institutions require their students to draft a plan of their thesis with a brief explanation of the issues that will be researched, abstract, bibliography and outline. Research advisors for master’s level these are usually PhD holders in their respective fields and they know immediately whether the topic is too broad or too narrow and will be able to break down the entire project into smaller bits. You will be required to see your advisor three-four times during the time you work on the paper. This is generally to discuss the thesis topic and then to review your first, second and third draft. Depending on the institution, the topic for your thesis may be approved by either your advisor personally or by the board of advisors. In case the topic gets approved by your advisor only, this is an easier case. Simply work on the topic together with him/her, and once it has been approved, proceed to research. If, however, you master’s thesis needs to be reviewed by the advisory board, you will be required to come up with a research proposal – a short extract of your future thesis. It will contain most of the sections of your actual thesis, and will briefly explain the editorial team what you are going to do your research. Once you submit the research proposal and it gets approved, you are free to proceed with further research. If the research proposal is found to be irrelevant or inadequate, the student will be required to start over: pick a new topic and come up with a new research proposal. This is normally a rare case because research advisors immediately spot topi cs that will not pass. Working on a Master’s Thesis: Structure Masters’ theses vary in structure depending on the field of study: a thesis in Arts, Economics, and Mathematics will be different. However, generally world institutions require the thesis to take five chapters. The first chapter is the thesis introduction, where the research topic and methodology are explained; the second chapter is a  review of the  literature, containing the  analysis of the literature on a given problem. The third chapter is the methodology section of the master’s thesis, explaining the methods utilized, data collected and approaches used. The ‘findings’ section is another major part of the paper presenting the reader with the results of the research. The fifth chapter of the master’s thesis should interpret the search findings and discuss them within the framework of the lit review. The final section of the paper is the conclusion, summing up the research and stating whether results have proven the hypothesis. Thesis Examination Many institutions require candidates to go through the so-called ‘thesis defense’, where students are required to present results of their research to an examining committee, consisting of senior scholars who are experts in the field. This examination, often called â€Å"viva voce† is generally done after the thesis has been completed, but before it gets submitted to the university. The committee reviews it and then makes a decision if the thesis is written at a decent academic quality level. There are four possible ‘verdicts’ a committee can come to:   Accepted without any corrections. This is rarely the case, as most theses will need a revision or a minor tuning;   Must be revised. In this case, the thesis is found to contain grammar and spelling errors that require correction. Most theses fall into this category;   Extensive revision needed. The thesis contains a series of other mistakes, including issues with methodology, literature, and some theoretical concepts;   Unacceptable. This is rarely the case in practice because academic advisors spot theses of unacceptable quality and failing a thesis at a viva voce will put his/her reputation at risk. Generally, writing a master’s thesis is a lengthy and a complicated process that requires patience, persistence, and practice. Should you need professional assistance with writing your master’s thesis, is a writing company that is your perfect choice. All our writers have at least one master’s thesis they have written and defended for getting their own degree; and at least 4-5 more that were completed for our customers. Some of them specialize in thesis writing and take only masters’ theses. THESIS STATEMENT Whenever you are using the help of our writers, you are receiving support from world class professionals, capable of crafting an effective master’s thesis to match your needs. We can be of assistance if you have completed the thesis yourself and need a major revision, proofreading service or a rewrite. It is always good for a thesis to be read by someone else, not just the author. In any case, we have the expertise required to ace your masters’ thesis. Please visit our order page or contact our support team for additional information. is the service you can trust!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Human Experiments - Inform consent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Experiments - Inform consent - Essay Example Medical research is usually carried out on animals, however, many researchers and practitioners do not find these methods of experimentation as accurate and as reliable as research conducted on humans. Hence, human experimentation is becoming a very popular mode of medical research for many practitioners and researchers. Human experimentation was first used in the nineteenth century where there was an increased demand for human experimentation in the areas of bacteriology, immunology and physiology. These researches were usually done without the knowledge and consent of the patients. When injury resulted for some of the patient-subjects, the public and the medical community was outraged. Questions were subsequently raised abut the suitability of these experiments. The first restrictions on human experimentation were issued by the Prussian minister for religious, educational, and medical affairs. These regulations became imperative because of the actions of Albert Neisser—professor of dermatology and venerealogy at the University of Breslau. In order to establish preventive means for syphilis, he injected prostitutes who were admitted to the hospital (for different medical reasons) with cell free serum from patients with syphilis. These prostitutes were not informed about the experiment that w ould be undertaken on them. When the patients were infected with syphilis, Neisser concluded that the vaccination and treatment he administered did not work. He was later fined and reprimanded by the Royal Disciplinary Court for his unethical actions. The court said that although his tests may have been harmless to the patients, he should have sought their consent before administering the serum to them. As a result of the Neisser case, a directive was issued to all hospitals and clinics advising that all medical interventions which were not related to diagnosis, healing and immunization should not be performed on minors and on

Friday, November 1, 2019

Working Mothers Benefit Familes Vs Stay-at-Home Mothers Benefit Essay

Working Mothers Benefit Familes Vs Stay-at-Home Mothers Benefit Families - Essay Example One major reason for which working mothers have been praised is the influence that they have on their children. It has been observed that the children of working mothers have a generally positive attitude towards women. The thoughts on sex and gender roles are also less rigid as compared to their counterparts. Their daughters and especially have an acquired and greater self esteem and a more positive view of themselves as workers in the society at large. Meanwhile, the sons acquire a positive attitude of shared roles that they take to their own marriages. The overall effect of working mothers would be an increased number of women in the labor force, as equal partners with men. This would mean that the attitudes of children and their psychologies would be less focused on their sexes or gender (Valente, 272). Additionally, working mothers, contend that there are more positives than negatives to being a working mother both from a family and a personal standpoint (Valente, 270). Such a situation ensures that the woman gets a varied life that is not confined to the home. Unlike staying at home mothers whose experiences are the same, working mothers say that the interactions that they have with their husbands are mostly at a peer to peer level, the financial position of the family is complimented and as a result the needs of the family are quickly and easily met. The typical day of a working mother involves the duties of a mother in addition to her responsibilities as a worker. Such women sometimes get the advantages of both sides but the disadvantages of only one side, being a working mother. While it is true that they may employ the services of a housekeeper or baby sitter, there are others who do not. Moreover, such a move would detach them from their families and children if their whole focus is on their careers. On the contra side, there are quite a number of women who are opting or reconsidering the idea of becoming stay at home