Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Geopolitics in humanitarian action Essay
The analysis of how political decisions atomic number 18 conditioned by geographical settings is the subject matter of geopolitics. In strictly spatial terms, geopolitics is the study of boundaries and areas. In conceptual terms, geopolitics comprises the study of orb-wide dealings and the outcome of power struggles, at local and global scales. It exploreticuloendothelial system events such as the emergence of hot situates, the fragmentation of countries, and regional struggles affecting several countries. The most important and long-lasting geopolitical event of the 20th century is the parky War. The outside(a)ist humanitarian strategy has witnessed a dramatically transformation since the supplant of the Cold War, and even more so since the war on fear.To understand humanitarian interjection in modern-day complex emergencies, the configuration pass on analyze the humanitarian bodily process and the ever-changing geopolitical system. We leave discuss many of the fundamental debates concerning the character, effectiveness and evolution of the humanitarian actions, the contrastive humanitarian actors and the accompanying political dynamics that arise in sort of regional contexts. Among other issues, students leave behind critically analyze the relationship amongst aid and counterpoint concepts of neutrality relationship to military intervention among others.We pull up stakes use case studies to understand the growing complexity and the political meander of actors and influences affecting all those involve in humanitarian action and the changing operating environment. The blood will encourage students to consider what is or could be the international communitys carrying capacity for response in a future of small-scale and regional wars producing humanitarian crises in the years to come. Finally, the wrinkle discussion will focus in on models of cooperation among actors that empower or else than marginalize those populations and commu nities trapped in conflict, displacement and deprivation. Course general objectivesThis course examines the evolution of the humanitarian action in relation to changes in the international system. The students will be able to a) break apart the political thrift of conflict and humanitarian assistance b) Analyze the evolving nature of conflict in the international context c) study the evolving architecture of the international humanitarian system d) Analyze contemporary aspects of security and conflict, the concept of state sovereignty, and the uneven geopolitics of humanitarian action e) Explore major debates and controversies of contemporary humanitarian action.Methods of assessmentGrading will be found on the following marks VG or G (Distinction or Pass) as well as ECTS grades. Grading will be a combination of the in-class team oral frontations (40%), a written terminal show (50%), and the active participation of students in class (10%).The groups will be integrated by 5 or 6 students each. They will present to the class one selected humanitarian intervention case in 30 minutes with 15 additional minutes for questions and answers. All members of the group should participate. Presentations will be scheduled the first day of the course. The humanitarian intervention recommended for presentations are Syria, Iraq, former-Yugoslavia (Kosovo), the Horn of Africa, Ruanda, Afghanistan and Sudan. We can discuss other humanitarian interventions. This course is firmly participatory.For this reason, presence and active participation will be expected at all sessions. Participation shall reflect critical analysis and reflection based on readings. The final written essay will be submitted during the IX posing of the course (Friday 22 November). The professor will explain the essays topic in the beginning of the course. The essay consists of a utmost of 2500 words. Preparation for class includes readings from books, articles, and websites. Classes are a combinatio n of lecture, discussion, presentations, and videos. Sessions overviewSession I Mon 4 November, 10-12 Room TBAIntroduction Overview of course and topics presented course requirements and expectations. Objectives1. Review of political platform2. handleion of course requirements3. Selection of oral group presentations.Session II Wed 6 November, 10-12 Room TBAGeopolitics Overview Conflict analysis and the political economy of violenceObjectives1.- Understand the changing dynamics of conflict in the international system 2.- Develop alternative means of analyzing conflict and understanding the shock of conflict 3.- Understand the interaction of humanitarian programming and conflict.Session lead Fri 8 November, 10-12 Room TBA planetary and regional organizations in the global systemObjectives1.- Understand the role of governmental and non-governmental actors in the international system 2.- Discuss the role of security institutions What is the role of NATO, UN, UE, OAS and the other regi onal organizations in dealing with interstate and intrastate conflicts?Session IV Mon 11 November, 10-12 Room Eng TBAThe evolving nature of humanitarian crisisObjectives1.- Understand the changing nature of humanitarian crises2.- Analyze the implications for state sovereignty of Internationalhumanitarian action.Session V Wed 13 November, 10-12 Room TBAAn introduction to humanitarian action and the evolving architecture of humanitarian intervention Objectives1.- Describe the historical evolution and trends in humanitarian action 2.- Understand the normative foundations of humanitarian action 3.- Understand the normative frameworks that have channelise humanitarian action. Session VI Fri 15 November, 10-12 Room TBAMain players and actors in humanitarian actionObjectives1.- Understand the definitions, types and organization of humanitarian agencies.Session seven-spot Mon 18 November, 10-12 Room TBAThe contemporary operating environmentObjectives1.-Explore the major debates and contro versies of contemporary humanitarism Presentation of 2 Case StudiesSession VII Wed 20 November, 10-12 TBAThe future of humanitarian action1.-Understand a complex political indispensableness and its consequences 2.-Identify recent trends in humanitarian action.Presentation of 2 case studiesSession IX Fri 22 November, 10-12 Room TBAFinal discussion on models of cooperation among various(a) actors that empower rather than marginalize vulnerable populations and communities trapped in conflict and humanitarian action. Presentation of 2 case studies and final essay submission. books ListBooks requiredWalker, Peter & Daniel Maxwell. Shaping the human-centred World. parvenue YorkRoutledge, 2009 http// homophileitarian-World-Global-Institutions/dp/0415773717reader_0415773717 Electronic resourcesAnderson, Mary. The Do No Harm Handbook. Cambridge, Local Capacities for Peace, Project, 2004. neighborly on http//, Mich ael. humanitarianism transformed. Perspectives on politics, Vol. 3, No.4 (Dec., 2005), pp. 723-740. Accessible on http//, Alex. The Responsibility to cling toFive Years On. Ethics & International Affairs Vol.24 (2), 2010, pp. 143169. Accessible on http//, Sarah, Samir Elhawary and Robert Muggah. States of fragility stabilization and its implications for humanitarian action. Disasters. Vol. 34 Supplement, 2010, pp. 275S296. Accessible on http//, Michael. The red-hot Geography of Conflict. Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, No.3 (May-Jun., 2001), pp. 49-61. Accessible on http//, Jonathan. Deciding Humanitarian hinderance. Social Research, Vol. 74, No. 1, Difficult Choices (SPRING 2007), pp. 169-200. Accessible on http//, David. Humanitarianism in crisis. Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, No.6 (Nov-Dec 2002), pp. 111-121. Accessible on http// of books recommendedBellamy, Allex. Humanitarian preventative in world politics in Baylis, John et al. The globalization of world politics An introduction to international relations. Oxford Oxford university Press, 2008, pp. 522-538.Duffield, Mark. Global Governance and the New Wars In Duffield, Mark. Global Governance and the Causes of Conflict. New York Zed book, 2002, pp. 108-136.Keen, David, Going to War How acute Is It? in International Committee of the Red. Cross, War, property and Survival. Geneva, 2000, pp. 28-31.Kupchan, Charles A. Empires and Geopolitical Competition deceased for Good in Crocker, Chester et al. (eds.) Turbulent Peace The challenges of managing international conflict. Washington join States Institute of Peace, 2001,pp. 39-52.Spearin, Christopher. Humanitarians and mercenaries Partners in security Governance? in Krahmann, Elke. New threats and new actors in international security. Ne w York Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 45-68Rufin, Jean-Christophe The Economics of War A New Theory for Armed Conflicts in International Committee of the Red Cross. War, Money and Surviva, Geneva, 2000, pp. 22-27Recommended reports and electronic articlesICISS. The Responsibility to Protect. Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. New York, UN, 2001. Accessible on http// Sphere Project. Humanitarian study & Minimum Standards in Disaster Response http//,english/de Torrente, Nicolas. Humanitarian operation under Attack Reflections on the Iraq War. Harvard Human Rights ledger. Vol. 17(1), 2004, pp. 1-30.Huysmans, Jef. Shape-Shifting NATO Humanitarian Action and the Kosovo Refugee Crisis. Review of International Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Jul., 2002), pp. 599-618. Accessible on http//, Thomas and Peter Hoffman. The Fog of H umanitarianism embodied Action problems and Learning-Challenged Organizations. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol.1 (1), 2007, pp. 47-65Useful Humanitarian websitesRelief mesh http//www.reliefweb.intAlert Net http//www.alertnet.orgCollaborative learning project http// United commonwealth top executive for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. http// World Food Program http//www.wfp.orgThe Humanitarian polity Group Humanitarian Practice Network Sphere Project http// Learning Network for Accountability http// Performance (ALNAP)The Humanitarian Accountability compact (HAP-I)People in Aid of major humanitarian agenciesUN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian http// (OCHA)International Committee of the Red Cross http// Interna tional Federation of Red Cross and http// Crescent SocietiesMdecins sans Frontires http// World Food Programme http// http// Vision http// http// of humanitarian Assistance http//jha.acVideosKofi Annan Center of the Storm, PBS Video, 2002
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