
Monday, March 18, 2019

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet - Has Hamlet Gone Mad? :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

 Has village Gone Mad?       hamlet was the prince of Denmark, son of the assassi-nated King Hamlet andQueen Gertrude, and nephew to Claudius.  Hamlet, (during the play) goes throughsome very upset situations in which he seems to act in an insane slicener.But I am convinced that he was not in frenziedness, provided mad in craft.  I alsobelieve that he was a man of high moral standards, in fact higher than most ofthe pot in Denmark at that time.         Hamlet was bombarded by many situations at the give out of the play whichhis psyche had to deal with.  He was very up-set (as any another(prenominal) person would be)with his fathers murder and, at the same time, his mothers hurried remarriage.      HAMLET Ere however the salt of most unrighteous tears had left the flushingin her fret eyes, she married.  O, most wicked speed, to post with suckdexterity to incestuous sheets  He then heard from his good friend Horatiothat they had seen a ghost during the wickedness watch.  Hamlet was shocked at thedescription of the ghost and he express to him-self My fathers spirit-in arms?All is not well.  I doubt some noxious play.  Would the night were come  Hamletsper-sonality underwent severe stresses due to the situations en-countered andconsequently, he had to find a way to solve the apparent problems.         In Act 1, Scene 5, Hamlet while talking to his fathers ghost was urgedto avenge the foul murder, but to generate his mother out of it as her guilt wouldbe punishment enough.  ghost Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.  Leave her to heaven, and to those thorns that in her booby lodge to prick andsting her.  The ghost of the previous king gave Hamlet the solution that heneeded.  The ghost also be-seeched Hamlet to Let not the royal bed of Denmarkbe a couch for luxury and stir incest.&n bsp This showed that Ham-let wasrequired to not only restore his honor, but to re-store the honor of every(prenominal) ofDenmark as well  The added burden upon his shoulders cause him to clear fromhis mind all but what was necessary to solve his dilemma.  This would haveallowed him to think in a acute and sane manner.  It also explains why laterhe is unable to come his relationship with his true love Ophelia, and insteadtries to make her disinterested in him so that again, he may concentrate on thetasks athand.  Hamlet used his cunning when he devised a plan to see if his

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