
Wednesday, March 6, 2019


The fiction of Latin Woman Throughout life wad may be involved in racial abuse, especially if they ar Latin women variation by battalion that confide they are superior just because they engage born in a different or best state. In Myth of the Latin Woman I Just Met a misfire Named mare by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the writer tries to show part of her life and how lot in different countries acts in the situation of having someone in forepart of them with a different culture or skin color, in this typesetters case Latin woman.In the canvass, she had to fight with three situations of discrimination (1) Stereotypes, (2) Culture Clash, and (3) media. First of all, the bourn stereotype is used as a negative sense. Throughout the essay, Ortiz writes close to the experiences she passed through her childhood, her experience as a Latina woman and the stereotypes that involved a Latin woman. In paragraph 2, she is upset intimately how her Hispanic port called forth from many people she met from different countries. Ortiz thinks that a Latin woman is seen as a sex object as a firmness of her demeanor of dressing.She declares that her mother taught her how to do it. Our parents influence us in our way of dress. For example, if our parents are from an Indian region and they use Indian clothes, they are difference to influence us to wear the same clothes. Also, she narrates about her experience on a bus trip when a egg white man started reciting the lines of Maria because she appeared to be Latino. Secondly, culture clash carries a big influence. She explains in her essay how hard it is growing up in a estate with a totally different culture. sluice, one day when she went to school to the Career Day, they had asleep(p) dressed as if for a job interview. She went dressed the way a Puerto Rican dresses. The way she dressed with too much jewelry made her a victim of mockery. Furthermore, some people who move to another(prenominal) country are victims of discri mination by people who believe that bringing their culture and traditions from another country is wrong, they think that if you move to a their country you need to suit to their culture, and forget yours. These people not even think about go cultures.Thirdly, the media plays a role not only in this essay, but in the real world too. The media have influenced the white people about Latinas concept especially, those who see a TV series in which a Latina is inferior. In this case, she writes about her Chicana friend who worked at a major university. Even her incredulous doctor questions himself about how she knows big words. Regarding how the media sees Latina as inferior workers, Ortiz writes about her experience in Miami in one of her poetry events. When she was walking in, an rare lady called her to her table to order for a cup of coffee.If Judith Ortiz Cofer was a white woman, it would not happen. In addition, the media nowadays influences everyone a lot about Latina women and t heir culture. In another way, she explains how people think about what jobs the Latina women can do, because white people believe that a Latinas brown skin white people think that they came from an inferior culture, a culture of servitude. For this reason, some people cannot believe when they see a Latina woman succeed in a country with their backward culture about Latinas.In conclusion, it is reprehensible to see how people line up superior over others, chiefly because their skin color is different. It is also sad to see how others want to humiliate a Latina just because her culture is only different to ours, or simply because they watch how the TV denigrates Latina women, regardless of their feelings. Ortiz pore her essay on how Latina women can be successful in this country regardless of stereotype, culture, or what the media says about them.

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