
Thursday, May 9, 2019


THERAPUTIC HYPOTHERMIA function CARDIAC ARREST - Essay ExampleOne of these means is identified to include the use of brooding analysis, whereby after any major task with a patient, the nurse sits back to reflect on the treat practice that was executed, using a series of methodologies and procedures. In this paper, such clinical judgment in the nurse management of a patient is undertaken. The patient was taken c ar of after post cardiac fix during the first 6 hours of his initial admission to the hospital. As part of regular nursing practice, there are several decisions and actions that were taken that were based on academic and clinical reasoning. The reflective paper will whence give a general profile of the patient, after which there will be a acute discussion of the care that was rendered. There will then be an appraisal of the care, which shall take the form of a critical analysis of the care before a reflective conclusion is given.This is the case of Mr. B, whose actual account is withheld for ethical reasons to keep the identity of the patient anonymous. Mr. B was admitted to the hospital for the reason of a post cardiac arrest. This means that the patient was going through a moment of cessation of what was to be the normal circulation of tear into his heart (Sonneville et al., 2013). Such instances of cardiac arrest have been attributed to a failure for the heart to effectively shrivel up and expand as part of its regular functionality (Peberdy et al., 2010). It was realised that Mr. Bs instance of cardiac arrest had come about whiles he was undergoing treatment for acute exacerbation of Asthma in one of the health check ward. Some of the specific instances of symptoms that he showed at the time of being reported to the ward were I was in charge included an arrest with a rhythm of pulseless electrical activity (PEA). It would be remark that under very normal situations,

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